

What is PIM and what advantages does it bring to my business?

Product Information Managementrefers to software that handles all product information across organisations, supply chains, commerce and customers. This system is a critical tool for retail organisations that manage merchandise online. If you need help or want to learn more about…

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Choosing your online bank for business and professionals

The digitisation of the banking sector allows you to have a wider range of products and services. Thanks to the dematerialization of procedures, you save time on a daily basis, while benefiting from better quality banking services and digital interfaces…

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Online banking for professionals: steps to open a professional bank account

A company’s professional bank account is the focal point of the business. All operations carried out in the name of the company are concentrated there. Choosing the most suitable online pro bank or neobank requires prior consideration. How to open…

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The procedure for opening a new business account

As recalled before, it is essential to launch the procedure for opening the new business account before closing the old account. A transition period is necessary. This will allow the new account to be opened before the final changeover. When…

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Opening a Food Truck: procedures, authorisations, location, good to know before starting out

The Food Truck or restaurant truck is once again king in gastronomy. In fact, the idea is not new, it is inspired by an American concept that was once used to supply cowboys. Today, it is booming. Whether in the…

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Eco-responsible consumption: opening a bulk goods store is fashionable

Zero waste, bulk, is emerging as a more responsible, sustainable, economical and ecological solution. The concept is to eliminate the use of plastics as much as possible in favour of bulk. Consumers can use their own containers, jars or bags,…

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When reforestation can be a very lucrative business…

Reforestation is defined as creating forests, i.e. planting trees on areas that were once forested but have been destroyed by phenomena such as deforestation, overexploitation, fires, overgrazing… It is often confused with reforestation, which is the afforestation of land that…

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Societal phenomenon: why we need to rely on personal assistance companies

Today, more and more companies are focusing on home help. What is the reason for this? Because the population in France is constantly growing, but on the other hand, it is getting older. Home help services are therefore becoming more…

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The big boom in CBD derivatives

CBD, or legal cannabis, is increasingly being consumed around the world. But what exactly is CBD? What are the different products derived from this substance? What does the law say about these products? Here are the answers to all these…

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